Saturday, 4 October 2008

Greetings and welcome to all. My name is Iskander Rehman, and I'm a PHD student studying Indian foreign and security policy at the School of Political Sciences in Paris. Now to me, of course, that sounds exciting, but I've noticed that for most people, especially here in the Western World ,the words 'Indian geopolitics' may seem, at best, mildly intriguing in an exotic sort of way, at worst somewhat yawn-inspiring and, all in all, rather secondary in importance.

Yet the rise of both India and China is one of the major upheavals of our time, which has been compared by some to the rise of the United States and Germany at the beginning of the XXth century. We are currently experiencing a period of transition, and the world we leave to our children or grandchildren will be one where the strategic epicentre no longer lies to the west, but to the east. Whereas today India remains a major regional power , its economic and military capabilities, which have been growing exponentially over the past 15 years, ensure its emergence as one of the leading players in world affairs over the next few decades. Despite all of this, it seems difficult for the layman to find rapid and easily comprehensible information on India's external affairs which doesn't fall into the unfathomable and oft turgid depths of academic expertise.

This blog is a humble attempt to remedy this lack of accessibility, by, I hope, rendering the subject as engrossing and fascinating to you as it is to me. It will include interviews, debates, as well as links to interesting articles and books on various subjects. Please feel free to post comments and/or links on anything you feel is worth sharing. Please also bear with me when it comes to the formatting of the blog, as my computer skills are closer to those of an inebriated monkey than to those of a normal human being. I am hoping that this will change over time.

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